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Rust Learning Part 3

Exercise 03 Continued…

So we rejoin this effort at Exercise 03 section 07, setters and getters. These are things that I feel like I should know. I have experience writing these things. I’ve written them in Java. And yet, my first attempts aren’t right. We return to the (Rust By Example)[https://doc.rust-lang.org/rust-by-example/] book to figure out what to do. I muddle around and eventually recognise I need to pass a reference to self, so we send &self off to save the day. Copy and paste the validation and run a check, and it passes.

And here’s the rub, I’ve recognised I will need to do validation more than once. So by rights I should refactor it… So that’s now another rabbit hole to fall down. I spent some time trying to work this out but, as I haven’t learned how to reset the ‘passed’ flag, the tests no longer run. Mercifully I am forced to learn to walk before I can run. Let’s just move on.

In Part 2 I aluded to the many and varied ways I can scupper myself without meaning to. Above getting preoccupied with doing it right caused me to spend time thinking about something that I couldn’t test, even if I had managed to implenent it. And as we take on Sections 8 and 9, the Stack and Heap respectively we come across yet another example.

03.08 begins it’s notes with the below comment at the top of the file:

// TODO: based on what you learned in this section, replace `todo!()` with
// the correct **stack size** for the respective type

Below are a couple of tests. The idea being you use the sizeof() method to make the tests pass. The bit that caught me and made me take a second look was the reference to learning something in this section.

I have a bad habit. One I am working on addressing. I see a problem, I jump headlong in and expect that I can figure it out as I bumble along. In many cases this is perfectly acceptable. Where it isn’t, really, is when you jump into the companion aspect of a learning tool and completely miss the folder labelled “BOOK”. Turns out I’ve been missing some very very helpful notes and explainations of the concepts I’ve been learning.

If you do look at my Github repo for this, please don’t judge me on the code for the first 3 and a half chapters. Or do, I mean, it’s a pretty massive case of tunnel vision. Ah well, onto 03.09 and learning about the heap. Except this time, I will learn first.
