
A Personal Blog

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Who am I?

I’m just some guy, you know?

I go by Swamptin on Mastodon. I’ve been working in tech for 8 years now. I’ve tried my hand a lot of things but I’ve yet to find that “one true thing”. I doubt I ever will to be fair, there’s too much that’s interesting. I’ve wanted a blog, somewhere to explore tech publicly, for years. I’ve always struggled with overly complex solutions for my needs. This might work though.

This blog at the moment will be mostly about my journey learning Rust. Why am I learning Rust? It’s fun. Work is a four letter word and isn’t really fun at the moment. Rust isn’t really useful for getting work. It may have been a few years ago, but now? Now it’s just fun. Nobody is hiring for it at my level. I can just enjoy learning in those brief moments where I have time to try.

I feel compelled to stress, this is not a ‘How to…’ it’s a ‘How I…’ I include frustrated rants, glaring attacks of the blindingly obvious, and various other instances where I’m definitely not portraying myself as anything other than what I am. Someone who likes to code, gets frustrated, and then finds the solution.

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